How to add affixes with Tempering in Diablo 4

How to add affixes with Tempering in Diablo 4

Tempering is a new Diablo 4 system, introduced in season 4, Loot Reborn. Fundamentally a wrinkle to the crafting system, it allows you to improve your gear with affixes.

In this Diablo 4 guide, we’re going to cover all you need to know about the Tempering system, including an explanation of how it works, if there are any prerequisites to access it, how to unlock it, and how you use the system to create Tempered items.

How Tempering works in Diablo 4

A menu shows a player adding an affix to an item with a Temper Manual in Diablo 4 season 4. Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

The Tempering system is a crafting system in Diablo 4 that gives you the chance to upgrade Rare and Legendary pieces of equipment by adding new affixes to them. You can add up to two affixes per item. However, don’t expect to find common affixes such as one that increases Damage Over Time. In the Tempering system, you have access to affixes that, in general, interact with the abilities of each class.

Tempering uses recipes that come with a select list of affixes to upgrade items. While some recipes can be used by any class, most of them are specifically tied to a class. Beyond that, there are six types of recipes to temper your gear with: Weapon, Offensive, Defensive, Utility, Mobility, and Resources.

Recipes have a select list of affixes following the type to which they belong. For example, the Natural Finesse recipe, which is of the Offensive type, always has the +% Damage, +% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, +% Damage to Close Enemies, and +% Damage to Distant Enemies.

By tempering an item, you add one of the affixes listed in the recipe that you chose, a completely random process. In case you didn’t get the affix you wanted, you can re-roll it — however, you’re limited to five re=rolls.

To learn recipes for your Tempering system, you need to use Temper Manuals. These are found in three rarity levels: Magic, Rare, and Legendary. When you use the Magic version of a Temper Manual, you can only temper an item with that version until you find a better one. The rarity of a recipe only determines how high the numbers you can roll can go, but they don’t change the affixes it comes with.

How to unlock Tempering upgrades in Diablo 4

A menu shows a Diablo 4 player looking at Temper Manuals in season 4. Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

Tempering is the central crafting system in the game throughout your whole experience. You unlock the Tempering System once you have access to the Blacksmith and have acquired at least one Temper Manual.

Temper Manuals are consumable items that you need to use in order to learn the recipes for tempering. You can check the recipes you have already learned in the Codex of Power. Manuals drop from most of the content in the game, either from bosses, regular and Nightmare Dungeons, or enemies killed during Helltides.

How to use the Tempering system in Diablo 4

A menu shows a Diablo 4 player using Baleful Fragments for Tempering in Diablo 4. Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

To use the Tempering system, first, you need to visit the Blacksmith NPC. You can start by picking the item you want to upgrade or the recipe you want to use. Depending on the type of item, certain materials are required, such as Baleful Fragments, Abstruse Sigils, and Coiling Wards, alongside more common ones, such as Iron Chunks and Veiled Crystals.

After hitting the Temper Item button, the menu will show you which affix was added. To re-roll, you just need to select the same item and recipe. (Keep in mind that you only have five attempts and if you use all of them, you can’t add another affix.) A fully tempered item can then be eligible for Masterworks.

All Temper Manuals in Diablo 4

Below you find the Temper Manual recipes for each class: Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, and Sorcerer. The numbers depicted in these lists are from the Legendary version of each recipe, but note that it’s a range. We’ve included that range in brackets.

Temper Manuals – all classes

Temper Manual Description Type
Temper Manual Description Type
Elemental Surge Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Physical Damage // Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Fire Damage //
Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Lightning Damage //
Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Cold Damage //
Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Poison Damage //
Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 – 4,000] Shadow Damage
Natural Finesse [31.5 – 45.0]% Damage //
[47.0 – 65.0]% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Damage to Close Enemies //
[88.0 – 115.0]% Damage to Distant Enemies
Wordly Endurance [353 – 504] Maximum Life //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Total Armor //
[5.0 – 7.0]% Dodge Chance
Natural Resistance [36.5 – 50.0]% Fire Resistance //
[36.5 – 50.0]% Lightning Resistance //
[36.5 – 50.0]% Cold Resistance // [36.5 – 50.0]% Poison Resistance //
[36.5 – 50.0]% Shadow Resistance
Natural Schemes [537 – 840] Thorns //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Crowd Control Duration //
[8.0 – 12.5]% Barrier Generation
Wordly Fortune Lucky Hit: Up to a +[21.0 – 30.0]% Chance to Slow for 2 Seconds //
Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.5 – 22.5]% Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds //
Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds //
Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance to Freeze for 2 Seconds
Natural Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Movement Speed for [4] Seconds after Killing an Elite //
[6.0 – 8.0]% Mobility Cooldown Reduction //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Evade Cooldown Reduction
Wordly Stability [8.0 – 12.5]% Resource Generation //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Resource Cost Reduction //
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[10.5 – 15.0]% Primary Resource

Barbarian Temper Manuals

Temper Manual Description Type
Temper Manual Description Type
Berserking Augments [13.5 – 22.5]% Double Swing Size //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Whirlwind Size //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Frenzy Duration //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Berserking Duration
Bleed Augments [13.5 – 22.5]% Rend Size //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Rupture Size //
[26.0 – 35.0]% Flay Duration //
[1 – 2] to Pressure Point //
[1 – 2] to Expose Vulnerability
Furious Augments Bash Cleaves for +[82.5 – 105.0]% Damage //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Hammer of the Ancients Size //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Upheaval Size //
[251.0 – 350.0]% Kick Vulnerable Duration
Sandstorm Augments [82.5 – 105.0]% Dust Devil Damage //
[13.5 – 22.0]% Chance for Dust Devils to Cast Twice //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Dust Devil Size
Wasteland Augments [26.5 – 40.0]% Ground Stomp Size //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Leap Slam Size //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Earthquake Size //
[23.5 – 32.5]% Eartjquake Duration
Arsenal Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Damage with Dual-Wilded Weapons //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Damage when Swapping Weapons
Berserking Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Damage while Berserking //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Damage while Wrath of the Berserker is Active //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Damage while War Cry is Active
Demolition Finesse [144.5 – 185.0]% Kick Damage //
[72.5 – 95.0]% Charge Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Death Blow Damage //
[114.0 – 150.0]% Damage while Iron Maestrom is Active
Barbarian Protection [1 -2 ] to Imposing Presence //
[1 -2 ] to Martial Vigor //
[1 -2 ] to Guttural Yell //
[1 -2 ] to Defensive Stance
Barbarian Recovery [41.5 – 55.0]% Lunging Strike Healing //
[1 – 2] to Raid Leader //
[1 -2 ] to Invigorating Fury
Barbarian Strategy [10.5 – 15.0]% Ground Stomp Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Iron Skin Reduction //
[6.0 -8.0]% Challenging Shout Cooldown Reduction
Barbarian Control Steel Grasp Stuns for +[1.1 – 1.5] Seconds //
Upheaval Overpowers Stun for +[0.9 – 1.3] Seconds //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Stun Duration //
[1 – 2] to Concussion
Thorn Body [9.0 – 11.0]% Thorns while Fortified //
[1 – 2] to Outburst //
[1 – 2] to Tough as Nails
Barbarian Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Movement Speed for [4] Seconds After Killing an Elite //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Lunging Strike Range //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Charge Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Leap Cooldown Reduction
Brawling Efficiency [6.0 – 8.0]% Brawling Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Kick Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 12.5]% War Cry Cooldown Reduction
Ultimate Efficiency – Barbarian Casting Ultimate Skills Restores +[36 – 45] Primary Resource //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Iron Maelstrom Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Wrath of the Berserker Cooldown Reduction
Weapon Attunement – Barbarian [16.0 – 25.0]% Basic Resource Generation //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Resource Generation with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Resource Generation with Dual-Wilded Weapons //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Resource Generation with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Weapon Mastery Efficiency [8.0 – 12.5]% Weapon Mastery Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Death Blow Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Rupture Cooldown Reduction //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Steel Grasp Cooldown Reduction

Druid Temper Manuals

Temper Manual Description Type
Temper Manual Description Type
Earth Augments [23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Earth Spike Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Landslide Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Chance for Boulder Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[36.5 – 50.0]% Petrify Duration
Storm Augments [23,5 – 32.5]% Chance for Wind Shear Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Tornado Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Hurricane Size //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Lightning Storm Duration //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Hurricane Duration
Werebear Augments [28.5 – 37.5]% Maul Size //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Pulverize Size //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Grizzly Rage Duration
Werewolf Augments [4.0 – 6.0]% Shred Critical Strike Chance //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Rabies Duration //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Lacerate Duration
Companion Finesse [72.5 – 95.0]% Companion Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Wolves Damage //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Poison Creeper Damage //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Raven Damage
Earth Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Earth Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Earth Lucky Hit Chance //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Earth Critical Strike Chance //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Earth Overpower Damage //
[72.5 – 95.0]% Boulder Damage
Shapeshifting Finesse [9.0 – 11.0]% Werewolf Attack Speed //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Rabies Damage //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Trample Damage //
[114.0 – 150.0]% Lacerate Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Werewolf Critical Strike Chance //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Werebear Overpower Damage
Storm Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Storm Damage //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Hurricane Damage //
[114.0 – 150.0]% Cataclysm Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Lightning Bolt Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Storm Critical Strike Chance
Nature Magic Wall [15.5 – 20.0]% Cyclone Armor Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Earthen Bulwark Cooldown Reduction //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Cyclone Armor Active Size //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Earthen Bulwark Duration
Shapeshifting Endurance [8.0 – 10.0]% Blood Howl Cooldown Reduction //
[6.0 – 8.0]% Debilitating Roar Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Debilitating Roar Duration //
[1 – 2] to Nature’s Resolve
Companion Innovation [13.0 – 17.5]% Wolves Attack Speed //
[18.5 – 27.5]% Ravens Attack Speed //
[13.5- 22.5]% Poison Creeper Duration //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Ravens Active Size
Druid Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Trample Cooldown Reduction //
[4 – 6] to Digitigrade Gait
Companion Efficiency [8.0 – 12.5]% Companion Cooldown Reduction //
[23.5 – 32.5]% Wolves Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Poison Creeper Cooldown Reduction //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Ravens Cooldown Reduction
Druid Invigoration Casting Wrath Skills Restores +[10 – 14] Primary Resource //
Casting Ultimate Skills Restores +[36 – 45] Primary Resource //
[1 – 2] to Abundance
Wrath Efficiency [10.5 – 15.0]% Hurricane Cooldown //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Boulder Cooldown //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Rabies Cooldown

Necromancer Temper Manuals

Temper Manual Description Type
Temper Manual Description Type
Blood Augments [28.5 – 37.5]% Hemorrhage Explosion Size //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Blood Surge Nova Size //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Blood Lance Duration
Bone Augments [23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Bone Splinters Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Bone Sear Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[26.0 – 35.0]% Bone Spirit Explosion Size //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Bone Storm Duration
Shadow Augments – Decay [28.5 – 37.5]% Decompose Explosion Size //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Blight Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Blight Size
Shadow Augments – Execution [13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Sever Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13,5 – 22.5]% Sever Size //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Reap Duration
Summoning Augments [9.0 11.0]% Minion Attack Speed //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Chance for Skeletal Mage Attacks to Cast Twice //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Skeleton Priest Effect Duration
Blood Finesse [9.0 – 11.0]% Blood Attack Speed //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Blood Damage //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Blood Overpower Damage //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Damage while Fortified
Bone Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Bone Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Bone Critical Strike Chance //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Bone Critical Strike Damage //
[103.5 – 135.0]% Bone Spirit Damage
Profane Finesse [47.0 – 65.0]% Damage to Cursed Enemies //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Macabre Damage //
[98.0 – 125.0]% Iron Miaden Damage // [219.0 – 300.0]% Corpse Tendrils Damage
Shadow Finesse [57.0 – 75.0]% Shadow Damage Over Time //
[41,5 – 55.0]% Darkness Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Desecrated Ground Damage // [72.5 – 95.0]% Corpse Explosion Damage
Summoning Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Summoning Damage //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Skeletal Mages Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Golem Damage
Blood Endurance [52.0 – 70.0]% Chance for Hemorrhage to Form Blood Orbs //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Blood Orb Healing //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Blood Mist Duration //
[6.0 – 8.0]% Blood Mist Cooldown Reduction
Profane Cage [26.5 – 40.0]% Blight Slow Potency //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Corpse Tendrils Duration /
[1 – 2] to Crippling Darkness
Profane Innovation [13.5 – 22.5]% Corpse Explosion Size //
[26.5 – 40.0]% Corpse Tendrils Size //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Iron Maiden Size //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Decrepify Size //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Curse Duration
Thorn Army [9.0 – 11.0]% Thorns while Fortified //
Minions Inherit +[8.0 – 12.5]% of Your Thorns //
Skeletal Mage Inherit +[13.0 – 17.5]% of Your Thorns //
Golems INherit +[13.5 – 22;5]% of Your Thorns
Necromancer Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Movement Speed for [4] Seconds After Killing an Elite //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Movement Speed during Blood Mist
Necromancer Efficiency [8.0 – 10.0]% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Golem Active Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Bone Spirit Cooldown Reduction //
[1 – 2] to Rapid Ossification
Necromancer Invigoration Blood Orbs Restore +[5 – 6] Essence //
Casting Macabre Skills Restores +[15 – 21] Primary Resource //
Casting Ultimate SKills Restores +[36 – 45] Primary Resource
Weapon Attunement – Necromancer [16.0 – 25.0]% Basic Resource Generation //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Resource Generation while Wielding a Scythe // [13.0 – 17.5]% Resource Generation while Wielding a Shield

Rogue Temper Manuals

Name Description Type
Name Description Type
Basic Augments – Rogue [23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Puncture Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Heartseeker Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Forceful Arrow Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Chance for Invigorating Strike Duration //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Chance for Heartseeker Duration
Trap Augments Trap Arm [0.4 – 0.6] Seconds Faster // [31.5 – 45.0]% Caltrops Size //
[31.5 – 45.0]% Caltrops Duration //
[29.0 – 42.5]% Poison Trap Duration
Core Augments Twisting Blades Returns + [21.0 – 30.0]% Faster //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Barrage Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Rapid Fire Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Penetrating Shot Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Flurry Size
Scoundrel Finesse [47.0 – 65.0]% Damage to Poisoned Enemies //
[47.0 – 65.0]% Damage to Trapped Enemies //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Imbued Damage //
[72.5 – 95.0]% Trap Damage
Cutthroat Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Vulnerable Damage //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Cutthroat Damage //
[9.0 – 11.0]% Cutthroat Attack Speed //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Cutthroat Critical Strike Chance
Marksman Finesse [62.5 – 85.0]% Critical Strike Damage //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Marksman Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Marksman Critical Strike Chance //
[114.0 – 150.0]% Rain of arrows Damage
Specialist Evolution [26.0 – 35.0]% Damage per Combo Point Spent //
[26.5 – 40.0]% Chance for Rain of Arrows Waves to Cast Twice //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Stun Grenade Size //
[16.0 – 35.0]% Shadow Clone Duration //
[26.0 – 35.0]% Inner Sight Duration
Trickster Finesse [144.5 – 185.0]% Shadow Step Damage //
[144.5 – 185.0]% Dash Damage //
[114.0 – 150.0]% Shadow Clone Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Stun Grenade Damage
Rogue Cloaking [8.0 – 10.0]% Concealment Cooldown Reduction //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Concealment Duration //
[1 – 2] to Agile
Rogue Recovery [23.5 – 32.5]% Flurry Healing //
[1 – 2] to Siphoning Strikes //
[1 -2 ] to Mending Obscurity
Alchemist Control [1 – 2] to Trick Attacks //
[1 – 2] to Chilling Weight //
[1 – 2] to Shadow Crash
Daze Control Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance to Dazer for 2 seconds //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Smoke Grenade Cooldown Reduction //
[28.5 – 37.5]% Smoke Grenade Duration
Rogue Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[57.5 – 80.0]% Movement Speed from Blade Shift //
[2.5 – 4.0]% Movement Speed per Dark Shroud Shadow //
[46.5 – 60.0]% Shadow Step Duration //
[2 – 3] to Stutter Step
Agility Efficiency [6.0 – 8.0]% Agility Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Caltrops Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Dash Cooldown Reduction
Imbuement Abundance Shadow Imbue Lasts For +[1 – 2] Casts //
Poison Imbue Lasts For +[1 – 2] Casts //
Cold Imbue Lasts For +[1 – 2] Casts
Rogue Invigoration [62.5 – 85.0]% Puncture Resource Generation //
[18.5 – 27.0]% Invigorating Strike Energy Regeneration //
[1 – 2] to Innervation //
[1 – 2] to Adrenaline Rush
Subterfuge Efficiency [8.0 – 10.0]% Subterfuge Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 12.5]% Trap Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Poison Trap Cooldown Reduction //
[15.5 – 20.0]% Dark Shroud Cooldown Reduction

Sorcerer Temper Manuals

Temper Manual Description Type
Temper Manual Description Type
Frost Augments [23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Frost Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Ice ShardsProjectiles to Cast Twice //
[18.5 – 27.5]% Blizzard Size
Pyromancy Augments [23.5 – 32.5]% Chance for Fire Bold Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Fireball Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Incinerate Size //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Meteor Size //
[18.5 – 27.5]% Firewall Size
Shock Augments [23,5 – 32.5]% Chance for Spark Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Chain Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Charged Bolts Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[13.0 – 17.5]% Chance for Ball Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice //
[36.5 – 50.0]% Teleport Nova Size
Conjuration Finesse [72.5 – 95.0]% Conjuration Damage //
[98.0 – 125.0]% Hydra Damage //
[98.0 – 125.0]% Ice Blades Damage //
[98.0 – 125.0]% Lightning Spear Damage
Frost Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Cold Damage //
[41.5 – 55.0]% Vulnerable Damage //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Damage to Frozen Enemies //
[72.5 – 95.0]% Blizzard Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Ice Spike Damage
Pyromancy Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Fire Damage //
[57.0 – 75.0]% Fire Damage Over Time //
[9.0 – 11.0]% Pyromancy Attack Speed //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Pyromancy Critical Strike Damage //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Mastery Damage
Shock Finesse [41.5 – 55.0]% Lightning Damage //
[4.0 – 6.0]% Shock Critical Strike Chance //
[62.5 – 85.0]% Shock Critical Strike Damage //
[155.0 – 200.0]% Teleport Damage //
[82.5 – 105.0]% Cracling Energy Damage
Frost Cage [15.5 – 20.0]% Frost Nova Cooldown Reduction //
[21.0 – 30.0]% Chill Slow Potency //
[1 – 2] to Cold Frost
Pyromancy Endurance Lukcy Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +[873 – 1,175] Life //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Flame Shield Duration //
[1 – 2] to Warmth
Sorcerer Control [13.5 – 22.5]% Immobilize Duration //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Stun Duration //
[16.0 – 25.0]% Freeze Duration //
[26.5 – 40.0]% Frost Nova Size
Sorcerer Motion [8.0 – 12.5]% Movement Speed //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Movement Speed for [4] Seconds After Killing an Elite //
[8.0 – 10.0]% Teleport Cooldown Reduction
Conjuration Efficiency [23.5 – 32.5]% Hydra Resource Cost Reduction //
[8.0 – 12.5]% Ice Blades Cooldown Reduction //
[8.0 – 12.5]% Lightning Spear Cooldown Reduction
Sorcerer Stability [1 -2] to Invigorating Conduit //
[1 – 2] to Frigid Breeze //
[1 – 2] to Fiery Surge
Ultimate Efficiency – Sorcerer Casting Ultimate Skills Restores +[36 – 45] Primary Resource //
[8.0 – 12.5]% Deep Freeze Cooldown Reduction //
[13.5 – 22.5]% Inferno Cooldown Reduction //
[10.5 – 15.0]% Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction