How to unlock all automatons in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

How to unlock all automatons in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

There are six automatons in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, optional little robots you can have assist you in combat.

For the most part, automatons are completely skippable, though they are somewhat useful in taking down swarms of enemies at once. You can clear the whole game without them, as the only thing that specifically requires an automaton is a side quest: “An Out-There Zol.”

Below, we explain where to find Dampé to unlock automatons as well as what echoes and items you need to provide for him to make each automaton.

Where to unlock automatons in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

You’ll need to find Dampé in Hyrule Field before you unlock the automatons. We didn’t see him until after we beat the Hyrule Castle dungeon, so it’s likely that he’s not available until after that portion of the game.

The location he’s in is somewhat random — in one instance, we found him around Hyrule Ranch, but in another, we found him northwest of Lake Hylia. He may appear in other areas, so you’ll want to scour around. Help him out by defeating the crow and he’ll thank you and head off to his workshop.

You can find his workshop north of the Eastern Temple and it has its own warp waypoint. Once you’re there, he’ll need your help making automatons, which leads us to the next part.

How to make the Techtite automaton (‘Automaton Engineer Dampé’)

Zelda lifts up a Techtite robot in Echoes of Wisdom

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

To help out Dampé, you’ll need to place echoes that fulfill his description on the platform in front of him. The descriptions and their answers for this first automaton is as follows:

  • “Creature with the big eye — the sort that’s always jumping around” — Tektite Echo
  • “Something that shoots hot smoke out of its backside to blast forward” — Mothula Echo

You can find tektites in western Hyrule Field and mothula in the Gerudo Sanctum dungeon.

Once you place these on the pedestal, he’ll react excitedly and get to work, making you the Techtite automaton.

This automaton jumps high in the sky, blasting any enemies around in a large circle around where it jumped.

How to make the Tocktorok automaton (‘Explosions Galore’)

Zelda holds up a Tocktorok robot in Echoes of Wisdom

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Now when you interact with his book, you’ll get a new option to fulfill one of his other quests.

  • “A creature that spits stones out of its mouth” — Octorok Echo
  • A Firework Echo, only obtainable via the “The Fireworks Artist” side quest in Goron City

Note that to even get this side quest, you’ll need to clear out the rift in from the Eldin Volcano area. If you’re not this far in the game, you’ll need to come back later. Plenty of octorocks can be found in Suthorn Prairie.

This automaton shoots fireworks at enemies extremely quickly.

After making this automaton, you’ll have three more to make in Dampé‘s notebook, which you can pick from in any order.

How to make the Gizmol automaton (‘Performance Artist’)

Zelda holds up a Gizmol robot in Echoes of Wisdom

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

To make this automaton, Dampé requests the following:

  • “A jiggly monster with cute little eyes” — Zol Echo
  • “A part that makes beautiful tones” from Hyrule Ranch — Prismatic Music Box item from Hyrule Ranch

You get the music box from completing the Flag Races at Hyrule Ranch. You’ll need to complete the short course and then the middle course, which each have a 10 rupee entry fee. Both of these races are pretty short, you just need to ride your horse and touch five flags on a path within a certain amount of time.

Zol can be found in large numbers in the Suthorn Forest and Hyrule Field.

Once you have the music box, you can talk to Dampé to give it to him and he’ll make you the automaton.

The Gizmol automaton dances and sings, shooting music bubbles that deal damage to enemies that touch it.

How to make the High-Teku Baba automaton (‘Endless Stomach’)

Zelda holds up a High-Teku Baba robot in Echoes of Wisdom

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

For this automaton, Dampé will also for the following:

  • “A creature that swallows things with its massive jaws” — Deku Baba Lv. 2 Echo
  • “A special part that can strengthen its ability to clamp down on things” — Steel Trap item from the acorn man

You can get the Steel Trap item from the weird acorn man in the western area of Hyrule Field. After collecting all the acorns for him within the given time limit, he’ll give you the Steel Trap.

You can find deku baba lv. 2 in the Faron Wetlands, south of Scrubton.

The High-Teku Baba eats and swallows enemies, but note that it can’t be moved once placed, so you’ll need to lure enemies to it once you place it.

How to make the Roboblin automaton (‘Chop ’em in two’)

Zelda holds up a Roboblin robot in Echoes of Wisdom.

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Dampé will request the following:

  • “A monster with a sword who fights alongside others” — Any Sword Moblin Echo
  • “A special weapon” — Heirloom Katana item from Kakariko Village

You can get the katana from the dojo in the western part of Kakariko Village. You’ll need to complete six of the challenges in order for the dojo master to give you the katana.

We probably don’t need to tell you where to find sword moblins, as they’re pretty much anywhere, but you can find them in the enemy camps around Hyrule.

Once you give him the item and show him the echo, he’ll make the Roboblin automaton for you, a combat automaton that’ll fight for you. It swipes in a huge triangle in front of it, allowing it to hit many enemies at once.

How to make the Goldfinch automaton (‘Get Rich Quick!’)

Zelda holds up a Goldfinch robot in Echoes of Wisdom.

Image: Grezzo, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

You can only make this automaton once you’re done making the other ones.

Dampé will ask you for the following:

  • A Crow Echo
  • “A real special flashy somethin’”— Golden Fan item from the Gerudo Desert Oasis

To get the Golden Fan, you’ll need to complete the standard seed and the vibrant seed Mango Rush levels in the oasis.

The Goldfinch works the same way crows do — you can use them to glide by picking them up, and it’ll knock rupees out of enemies. However, the Goldfinch knocks way more rupees out of enemies, giving you blue and red rupees more frequently.

After you make the Goldfinch, Dampé will make an offer to you in exchange for five monster stones. Agree to trade with him, and you’ll get the Clockwork Bangle accessory, which allows you to wind up automatons faster.