How to get past the dog ghost with the disc in Animal Well

How to get past the dog ghost with the disc in Animal Well

The disc is a useful tool in Animal Well. You can toss it through narrow gaps, hit distant switches with it, use it to distract dogs, and even ride it. To pick it up, though, you’ll have to get past a big, scary ghost dog.

Our Animal Well guide will show you how to get past the dog ghost, how to pick up the disc, and how to get the mock disc.

Where to find the disc in Animal Well

Animal Well route to the disc Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

From the egg room, head back out to the right. Jump up the platforms and climb the ladder. Take the first left and hop across the islands.

Animal Well disc location Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

The next room you come to has the disc, but if you take it, you’ll cause a huge dog ghost to appear. To avoid this, there’s another step to do first.

Where to find the mock disc

Animal Well yellow button solution Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

From the disc altar(?), head left. The next room has a three-button puzzle. Use the crank to raise the block, and hit the yellow buttons in ascending order. This will open a path at the bottom of the screen. Climb the ladder on the left to find a telephone.

Animal Well route to the mock disc Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

Use the ledge on the right to climb up and then jump onto the moving platform. Ride it to the left.

Animal Well avoiding the first dog Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

In the next room, you’ll meet your first dog. Drop off the platform and duck into the tunnel below you as fast as you can — you just don’t want to get caught by the dog. Drop down, and take the tunnel to the left.

The next couple rooms are dark, so you won’t really see where you’re going. If you need them, grab any firecrackers you pass.

  • In the first room, head left, and then drop down in the center of the screen.
  • In the second room, drop down the stairs and head right.
Animal Well using a firecracker to destroy a ghost Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon
  • In the third room, deal with the ghost and then work your way down to the bottom left corner. Exit into the tunnel there.
Animal Well crank puzzle in a dark room
You don’t have to use a firecracker here — we only did to illuminate the room
Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

The fourth dark room has another crank puzzle. Use the crank to lift the block and then run through the tunnel in the bottom left.

Animal Well using a firecracker to distract a dog Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

The next screen is another tunnel heading left across the bottom. Climb out at the top, and you’ll find another dog. Before you exit the tunnel, toss a firecracker. This will make the dog run around scared for a second, giving you enough time to run past and climb the ladder on the right.

Animal Well switch and platform puzzle Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

At the top of the ladder, jump off and throw the switch. Cross all the way to the left, ignore the switch there, and then climb up and to the right to the next switch. Throw that one, and you’ll fall a little. Climb up and to the right. Ignore the switch again and exit to the right.

Animal Well mock disc location Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

Keep following the tunnels to the right for a couple screens. You’ll come to the room with a chest holding a mock disc. Grab it, and then keep heading right.

Animal Well path to escape the wiener dog Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

In the next room, you’ll meet a new kind of dog — a dachshund (wiener dog) — that can chase you through the low tunnels. Drop off the ledge, and duck back to the left into the tunnel. Just keep moving and make your way through the tunnel to the right. At the right end, jump up through the narrow chute and to the right where you’ll find a chest with an egg.

Animal Well swapping the mock disc for the disc Image: Billy Basso/Bigmode via Polygon

Drop down from there, and you’ll land above and one screen to the right of the disc altar. Drop down and head left. This time, when you approach the disc, you’ll get prompted to “swap disc.” Do so, and you’ll get the disc without triggering the ghost dog.