Overwatch 2’s next hero is Hazard, a muscular Scottish tank with a prickly punk attitude, Blizzard Entertainment revealed Tuesday. Hazard is coming to Overwatch 2 in December’s season 14, but players will get their hands on the new tank-class hero during a weekend playtest running this weekend, Nov. 22-25.
Hazard’s hero reveal trailer presents him as a member of the Phreaks, a gang who heads to Oasis to secure that location’s unstable element. While under fire from security forces, Hazard absorbs that element into his body, giving him spiky purple outgrowths that he can apparently use in battle. It appears that Hazard can fire crystal-like spikes from his back, form a blade from his left arm, create large crystal formations, and fire that purple stuff from his arm-gun. Expect to hear a lot more about Hazard later this week.
Overwatch 2 is free to play on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.